MRI Organization Leaps Forward With New Scanning Technology

MRI scans can be a huge source of anxiety in patients. Alongside the stress that the patient feels from pain or other symptoms, they were traditionally asked to conduct an MRI scan using a flat tube, which could trigger claustrophobia.

The good news is that this has all changed. In 1996, the first Upright MRI Scanner was produced, meaning patients no longer needed to lay down to be scanned and could simply sit in a chair in an upright position.

Upright MRI of Deerfield is a leading innovator in this field and has gone the extra mile in adding new updates, software and coding changes and extra magnets to create a more accurate and timely diagnosis.

What Does This Update Mean For Patients?

CEO of the company, Dr. Fox, states, “There were lots of issues with the traditional scanners. Not only did they cause anxiety for some patients, but they were also very difficult to actually use. For patients with disabilities, it was sometimes physically impossible to use them, leading to a lack of diagnosis. Upright MRI Scanners remove this issue, meaning that people with disabilities are able to sit normally in the seat while the scanner and height of the chair can adjust for the more accurate readings.”

This change has helped to speed up the diagnosis of CCJ or CM for patients, as it allows the head and neck to sit in a natural position, highlighting inflammation and sources of pain. Traditional scanners required the patient to lay down, which took the strain and weight off the neck, which meant that doctors struggled to make a diagnosis.

What is CCJ?

Cranio-cervical Joint Instability is when the ligaments which hold the head steady on the neck become stretched or unstable, meaning that the patient’s head is not properly supported. This could be the result of an accident or a long-term congenital problem such as Ehler-Danlos Syndrome.

What is CM?

Chiari Malformation is when the cerebellum (a section to the rear of the brain) bulges out of the back of the skull, attaching to the spinal column and restricting movement.

The health centers testing out these new updates from Upright MRI Deerfield have been thrilled with the results. They offer a more convenient way to conduct scans and also make issues much more obvious in order to diagnose the first time around.

These conditions are known to affect thousands of patients each year, but previously, many would go undiagnosed and be left with chronic pain. This new method benefits patients, as it cuts down the frustrating process of diagnosis before they are able to commence treatment, and also frees up more appointments for other patients, cutting down the waiting list.

“The new updates to the Upright MRI Scanner have led to even faster diagnoses than we had with the original Upright Scanners, meaning patients are no longer left worrying about their conditions and feel much more supported and confident when they receive a fast and accurate diagnosis.” – Dr. Fox.

If you’d like to learn more about the brand-new updates added to Deerfield’s fabulous new Upright MRI Scanner, visit their website today at or contact them at 847-291-9321.

Upright MRI of Deerfield

457 Lake Cook Road (Deerfield Park Plaza)


Illinois 60015

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